Friday, 19 September 2014

Fabric delivery - Modes4u

I picked up this little lot from the Post Office last night. My lovely fabric delivery from It was very exciting picking it up because the package was so large! I ordered 2.5m of both the Jug or not? by Michael Miller and Red Balloon by Cloud 9 fabrics and just 2m of the Maritime Sailing by Michael Miller fabric. Ok, so this was a little bit of a fabric splurge, but with my plan to make lots of new additions to my wardrobe, it was a necessity. 

My thoughts on are that it is a brilliant website! Love their choice of designer fabrics and because they are based in Hong Kong I can get the fabrics delivered quickly. They even throw in a free gift - I received a square of pink fabric and although at the minute it has no use, i'm sure I will find something to make with it. Each of my new fabrics has a planned outcome already - watch this space for my new makes!


  1. Love the 'jug' fabric - what have you got in mind for this one? It looks very 150's - a circle skirt? skater dress? Tilly's Picnic Blanket skirt?
    Whatever you choose to make out of lovely fabric selection - they all look scrumptious!
    I've added your blog to my blog-list so I will be a regular visitor!

    1. That was supposed to be 'very 1950's'!! Typo!

    2. I'm not sure about the jugs, maybe a skater dress as it will get a lot of wear. I'm going to wait until after I finish Mathilde and then make some decisions. I've added your blog to my feedly, so i'll be following your makes!
